The Best Rum Cocktail with Strongwater Herbal Cocktail Bitters

Posted by Wine Gourmet on

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There comes a certain fulfillment from crafting your own cocktails. Simple or complex, the first sip always seems to taste a little better. You may not be a master mixologist but Strongwater offers small batch herbal cocktail bitters that can make anyone feel like an expert. Here's a little bit about Strongwater from the masterminds themselves: 

Strongwater was born when a Chemist, Herbalist, and Mixologist met in the Rocky Mountains with a combined passion for herbal liqueurs and remedies. Inspired by 16th Century "Strongwater Shops" that served apothecary-style drinks, the team set out to recreate these delicious plant based elixirs with a mission to "Heal the Soul and Spruce your Cocktail". Through partnerships with local farms and the best wild crafters in the Rocky Mountains, Strongwater promises to offer botanical integrity to every glass

Strongwater's Herbal Cocktail Bitters Sample Box includes five, 1/2 oz amber dropper bottles allowing you to explore the world of their award-winning bitters; including, Golden - Old Fashioned Aromatic, Riza - Orange Licorice, Fire Tamer - Lemon Ginger Spice, Amores - Chocolate Vanilla, and Native Floral - Lavender Mountain Wildflower Bitters. With National Rum Day this coming Thursday, August 16th, we wanted to share an amazing recipe from Strongwater called The Bottom of the Barrel Cocktail using their Fire Tamer elixir and rum! Find the Fire Tamer elixir in the Strongwater Herbal Cocktail Bitters Sample Box available in-store and online! Click here to see the recipe from their resident mixologist Rob Corbari!  



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